Starchasm Nyx
Verne (T)Verne (M)Verne (B)
Willows (T)Willows (M)Willows (B)
Ana Schariac (T)Ana Schariac (M)Ana Schariac (B)
Blanco: Signets normales.Naranja: Signets Enchanced (Luego de core).
Luego de los signos de Vill-V priorizar Hua 1. Blessing of Frigidity
2. Blessing of Toxic Bath
3. Blessing of Abyssal Gaze
4. Blessing of Cocoon Break
Luego de los Signets normales. Elegir los Enhanced de Breach damage * Act III: Conflict
* Act II: Pendulum
* Act IV: Spoon
Core:Intermezzo: Holistic Helix
* Puppetry: Interlacing Cells
* Drama: Origin of Slumber
Prioriza el Breach DMG en Signets normales, Enhanced opcional * Old Dreams Again
* Long Trip
* Dark Garb No More
Core:Suffering Mass
* Broken Dream
Sigue la lista. Elige los Enhanced y mejóralos. * Red & Hot
* Yellow & Warm
* Black & Dark
* Blue & Cold
Core:Faded Stars
* Petals in the Wind
* Fallen Leaves
Si tienes falta de SP conseguir los signets de Eden, el core no es necesario * Recitatif of Eden
* Recitatif of Creeks
* Recitatif of Good Wine
* Recitatif of Fine Jade
Core:Echo of Gold
Se recomiendan signets de daño * Bountiful Blossom: Koyo
* Bountiful Blossom: Botan
Core:Setsuna Blade: Yasha